Non-Toxic Home-Building: A 3-Pronged Approach to Healthy Indoor Air

Non-Toxic Home-Building: A 3-Pronged Approach to Healthy Indoor Air

We spend a whopping 90% of our time indoors, making the quality of the air we breathe a critical factor in our health and well-being. At JD Rock Construction, we're passionate about building dream homes that prioritize both aesthetics and a healthy living environment.

This blog post dives deep into a three-pronged approach to improve your indoor air quality and create a non-toxic haven:

Prong #1: Source Control - Nip It in the Bud: This involves minimizing the sources of indoor air pollution from the get-go. We discuss common culprits like VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and formaldehyde found in building materials, and explore non-toxic alternatives like solid wood, certified low-VOC materials, and natural stone countertops.

Prong #2: Ventilation - Let the Fresh Air In: This simple and affordable strategy involves opening windows and doors to dilute indoor pollutants and bring in fresh oxygen. We recommend checking your local air quality with a free app before opening up the windows.

Prong #3: Filtration - The Extra Layer of Protection: While ideally source control and ventilation will minimize the need for filtration, air purifiers with HEPA filters and upgrading your HVAC system's air filter to a MERV 13 or higher can provide an extra layer of protection.

We'll also explore additional tips for maintaining good indoor air quality, from the power of houseplants to the importance of regular vacuuming and maintaining a healthy humidity level.

Ready to breathe easy in your non-toxic dream home? This blog post provides valuable insights and practical steps to get you started. Contact JD Rock Construction today to discuss building a non-toxic, healthy home for you and your loved ones!

Let's face it, we spend a whopping 90% of our time indoors. That means the quality of the air we breathe inside our homes has a tremendous impact on our health and well-being. At JD Rock Construction, we're passionate about building custom homes that prioritize not just aesthetics, but also a healthy living environment for the whole family.

One crucial factor in achieving this is indoor air quality (IAQ). Indoor air can become polluted by various contaminants, impacting everything from respiratory health to sleep quality and even cognitive function. But fear not! Here's a breakdown of a three-pronged approach to improve your indoor air quality and breathe easy in your non-toxic, healthy home:

Non-toxic home-building prioritizing healthy indoor air quality


Healthy Indoor Air Prong #1: Source Control - Nip It in the Bud

Think of this as the foundation for a healthy home. The key is to minimize the sources of indoor air pollution in the first place. Here's where choosing non-toxic building materials becomes crucial.

Chemicals of Concern:

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These are organic chemicals that easily evaporate at room temperature. They're found in paints, adhesives, sealants, carpeting, furniture, and cleaning products. Common VOCs include formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, and xylene.

  • Formaldehyde: This gas is a known carcinogen and can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. It's found in pressed wood products like plywood, MDF (medium-density fiberboard), and some laminates. Flooring, walls, cabinets, furniture, etc. can all contain formaldehyde.

  • Flame Retardants: Added to furniture and building materials to slow the spread of fire, some flame retardants have been linked to endocrine disruption and developmental problems.

Common Sources of Toxic Contaminants:

  • Building materials: As mentioned earlier, conventional building materials like plywood, MDF, carpets, paints, adhesives, and sealants often off-gas VOCs.

  • Cleaning products: Many conventional cleaning products are loaded with harsh chemicals that contribute to indoor air pollution.

  • Personal care products: Fragrances and other chemicals in deodorants, air fresheners, scented candles, and more can release VOCs into the air.

  • Mold and mildew: Growth of mold and mildew can release allergens and irritants into the air.

Non-Toxic Swaps for a Healthier Home:

The good news? You have options! The body of research and demand are growing, and more and more healthy alternatives are hitting the market. Here are some non-toxic swaps to consider during your custom build or remodel:

  • Building materials: Opt for solid wood when possible, certified low-VOC or VOC-free materials, bamboo flooring, cork flooring, natural stone countertops, and cork or rock wool insulation.

  • Paints and finishes: Choose paints and finishes with low-VOC or zero-VOC formulations. There are also mineral-based and plant-based paint options available. Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore have zero VOC paint options. ECOS, AFM Safecoat, and Clare are healthier options for the more chemically sensitive.

  • Adhesives and sealants: Look for low-VOC or water-based adhesives and sealants. Once again, AFM Safecoat and ECOS have some good options to consider.

  • Cleaning products: Ditch the harsh chemicals and switch to natural cleaning products made with vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, Castille soap, and essential oils.

Bonus Tip: Download our FREE guide "10 Non-Toxic Swaps For Your Custom Home Build or Remodel"! It's packed with practical tips to help you create a healthier home environment for your family.

Non-toxic home-building in San Antonio prioritizing healthy indoor air quality


Healthy Indoor Air Prong #2: Ventilation - Let the Fresh Air In!

This is the simplest and most affordable way to improve your indoor air quality. Open those windows and doors and let the fresh air circulate. It dilutes indoor pollutants and brings in oxygen, your body's best friend.

Pro Tip: Before throwing open the windows, check your local air quality with a free app like AirNow. You don't want to be exchanging fresh air for polluted outdoor air! This is especially pertinent if you live in a densely populated area.

When building from the ground up, we recommend an energy recovery ventilator (ERV). These systems work by continuously exchanging indoor and outdoor air while regulating temperature and humidity for overall energy conservation.

Healthy Indoor Air Prong #3: Filtration - The Extra Layer of Protection

Ideally, by controlling the source of contaminants and ventilating regularly, you'll minimize the need for air filtration. However, let's be real, we can't control everything. So, air filters can provide an additional layer of protection.

Air Purifiers:

While air purifiers can be quite effective, they can also get pricey. Consider them when source control and ventilation alone aren't enough. Look for air purifiers with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters to capture dust, pollen, and other allergens and a carbon filter for VOC capture. A fantastic and semi-affordable option to consider is Air Doctor.

HVAC Filters:

A more affordable option is to upgrade your HVAC system's air filter. The American Lung Association recommends a MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating of 13 or higher for capturing smaller particles. However, keep in mind that older HVAC systems might struggle with the increased resistance of a higher-MERV filter. It's always best to consult with an HVAC professional to ensure your system can handle a higher-rated filter without compromising airflow or efficiency.

Here are some additional things to consider when choosing an HVAC filter:

  • Filter Size: Make sure the filter you choose is the correct size for your HVAC system.

  • Replacement Schedule: Change your air filter regularly, typically every 1-3 months depending on the filter type and your environment. When remodeling, you need to replace more frequently as there are more contaminants to filter from construction.

  • Filter Pleats: Opt for pleated filters as they offer more surface area for capturing dust and allergens compared to flat filters. The 3M Filtrete 1900 is a high MERV filter with many positive reviews stating the pleats helped their HVAC system tolerate the increased MERV rating.

  • Thickness: A filter with a higher MERV is often better tolerated when 4-5 inches in thickness as opposed to 1 inch.

More Tips For Healthy Indoor Air

Now that you're armed with this three-pronged approach, let's explore some additional steps you can take to improve your indoor air quality:

  • Invest in Houseplants: Certain houseplants act as natural air purifiers by absorbing VOCs and other pollutants. Snake plants, spider plants, and peace lilies are all excellent choices.

  • Reduce Humidity: Mold and mildew thrive in damp environments. Maintain a healthy humidity level between 30% and 50% with a dehumidifier if necessary. An ERV will also help regulate humidity.

  • Minimize Dust Collectors: Clutter and textiles harbor dust and allergens. Opt for minimal hard surfaces and choose washable rugs and furniture fabrics.

  • Regular Vacuuming: Vacuum carpets and rugs regularly with a HEPA filter vacuum to trap dust and allergens.

  • Take Off Your Shoes at the Door: Shoes can track in MANY pollutants from the outdoor world. Encourage a "no shoes inside" policy to reduce dirt and allergens.

  • Let New Furniture Air Out: New furniture can off-gas VOCs. Allow new furniture to air out in a well-ventilated space for several days before bringing it indoors.

Non-toxic home-building in San Antonio prioritizing healthy indoor air quality


Building a Non-Toxic Home With JD Rock Construction

At JD Rock Construction, we understand that a healthy home is crucial for a healthy family. We're committed to using non-toxic building materials whenever possible and employing strategies for optimal indoor air quality. Here's how we can help you achieve your family’s non-toxic dream home:

  • Non-Toxic Material Expertise: Our team is certified in healthy building materials and can guide you in selecting non-toxic options for your project.

  • Transparency and Communication: We believe in open communication. We'll discuss the potential sources of indoor air pollution, mitigation strategies, and provide continuous updates throughout construction.

Building a non-toxic, healthy home is an investment in your family’s health and well-being. By taking control of indoor air quality, you can create a healthier and more supportive environment for ALL for many years to come.

Contact JD Rock Construction today to discuss your vision and how we can help you protect your family with a healthy home!

Remember, small steps can lead to big improvements. Analysis paralysis and anxiety are not helpful on the journey toward healthy living. Start implementing some of these tips today and take a step towards a healthier home environment!

Bonus Tip: Share this blog post with your friends and family! Let's all work together to create healthier homes for healthier families.

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Non-Toxic Home-Building: A Guide to Air Purification and Ventilation

Imagine a home where you can breathe easy, where your family's well-being is safeguarded, and where the indoor air is as fresh as the Hill Country breeze. In our quest to create non-toxic homes that resonate with your values, we explore the essential elements of air quality and ventilation systems. Discover how the right choices can lead to a healthier and more comfortable home for you and your loved ones.

Hey there, fellow home enthusiasts! If you're on a mission to create a beautiful, functional, AND healthy home for your loved ones, you're in the right place. As a follow-up to our last blog on non-toxic home-building foundations, we're diving into two vital components of crafting a non-toxic, comfortable refuge: air purification and ventilation.

Understanding Air Purification: What's Your Best Fit?

Alright, let's kick things off with air purification. There's a bunch of air purifiers out there, each with its unique value. Here's the lowdown:

HEPA Air Purifiers: These champs are excellent at nabbing tiny particles like dust, pollen, smoke, bacteria, and viruses. (Average Price: $100 - $500)

Electrostatic Precipitator Air Purifiers: They're your go-to for knocking out large particles, such as dust and pollen. (Average Price: $200 - $800)

Activated Carbon Air Purifiers: When it comes to tackling gases, chemicals, and odors, these are the pros. (Average Price: $100 - $400)

So, which one should you pick? Well, that depends on your specific needs. If you're battling small particles, HEPA purifiers are your pals. But if you're dealing with gases and odors, activated carbon purifiers are your trusty sidekicks.

But wait there’s more! Youu can also go for a combo purifier that wields multiple powers for a comprehensive air cleanse (this is the direction we would lean). Just remember, keeping those filters fresh, as per the manufacturer's instructions, is crucial to keep the purifier happy for the long haul.

HRVs and ERVs: Your Indoor Air Quality Allies

Now, let's switch gears to ventilation systems. You see, lousy indoor air quality can lead to all sorts of health issues. That's where Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs) and Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) step in.

HRVs are great—they swap indoor air with outdoor air while also transferring heat, which slashes energy usage. ERVs, they're like HRVs with a bonus feature—they capture moisture from outgoing air for better moisture regulation. Perfect for those dry winter months.

And the great news is that you can buddy up these systems with your AC. In the summer, they give incoming air a nice little chill, lightening the load on your AC. When winter rolls in, they give incoming air a warm welcome, so your heating system doesn't break a sweat.

The Dynamic Duo: Ventilation and Air Purification

For the crème de la crème of indoor air quality, pair HRVs or ERVs with air purifiers. Air purifiers filter the air, removing pollutants like dust, pollen, and smoke. By using them in conjunction with ventilation systems, you can further filter the air, eliminating even smaller particles.

This combination is especially beneficial for allergy and asthma sufferers or those living in areas with poor outdoor air quality.

Top Tips for Making These Systems Shine

To get the most out of these systems, keep these tips in mind:

  • Place your purifier or ventilator in a central spot for optimal airflow.

  • Let 'em run round the clock, especially if allergies or asthma are a struggle.

  • Show those filters some love—replace them regularly as the manufacturer suggests.

  • Size and install your HRV or ERV properly to make sure it's a seamless fit.

  • Don't skip out on regular check-ups by qualified techs.

Follow these golden rules, and you'll be well on your way to creating a healthier and comfier home for your family.

Integrating air purification and ventilation is a fantastic step toward a happier, healthier living space. Whether you're combating particles, odors, or gases, there's a solution tailored just for you. By teaming up these systems, you'll be armed and ready to savor every breath in your home sweet home.

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The Foundation of Non-Toxic Home Building: In-Duct Air Purification Systems

Creating a non-toxic home in San Antonio isn't a mystery. Breathe easy with an in-duct air purification system. Skip the hassle of room purifiers. Learn how we make clean, pure air a reality. Say farewell to toxins and welcome a healthier home with JD Rock Construction.

Creating a non-toxic home can feel like an overwhelming task, with a myriad of decisions to make. But, here's a secret: you can simplify the journey by focusing on one of the most critical aspects of indoor air quality – in-duct air purification systems.

Picture this: Instead of shelling out thousands of dollars for bulky air purifiers in every room, you can invest around $500 in an in-duct purification system that cleanses the air throughout your entire home. The best part? If you're building a new home from the ground up, the additional installation cost is almost negligible because your HVAC technician is already on-site.

Why is air purification a cornerstone of non-toxic home building?

Well, it's no secret that our indoor air can harbor undesirable particles. While we aim to minimize these pollutants, an air purifier steps in to bridge the gap where we might fall short.

But not all air purifiers are created equal. When considering an in-duct air purification system for your home, look for one that goes beyond the basics of dust and pollen. Seek out a system that filters out VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), which can emanate from common household items like paints, cleaning products, and furniture.

Mold spores are another concern for indoor air quality. A top-notch in-duct purifier should be efficient at trapping these potentially harmful particles. And if you have a bustling household with kids, consider a system that can tackle viruses, adding an extra layer of protection to your home.

So, why start with air quality when building a non-toxic home?

It's simple – because it's a foundational step that immediately impacts your well-being. When your home's air is clean and fresh, you'll experience improved health, fewer allergies, and greater peace of mind.

At JD Rock Construction, we understand that creating a non-toxic home can feel like a daunting task. That's why we're here to guide you, step by step, through this journey. With an in-duct air purification system in place, you're not only investing in your family's health but also simplifying the path to a non-toxic home that aligns with your values.

Ready to take the first step towards a cleaner, healthier home? Reach out to us today and discover how we can help you build the non-toxic home of your dreams.

Remember, it's not about overwhelming yourself with decisions; it's about taking things one step at a time and focusing on what truly matters – the well-being of your loved ones.

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