Fun and Practical Features to Include in Your Custom Home

If you are planning to build a custom home, you don’t want to miss these fun and practical features to include!

Are you planning to build a custom home soon?  We’ve got some fun and practical ideas for you to consider…

Coffee Bar in the Main Bedroom

For you coffee drinkers out there, consider this!  How nice would it be to not have to leave your bedroom to get your coffee in the morning?  Talk to your architect about running plumbing and electrical to a little nook in your bedroom for some early morning cappuccinos.

Indoor Gun Range

Yeah, we said it.  If you have flexibility in your budget, include space for your hobbies in your home.  An indoor gun range may not be as expensive as you think – it is actually fairly simple to construct (and yes – it is legal).  You can buy a target retrieval system online for less than $1,500. Once all of your walls are soundproofed and padded, and the right lighting is in place – you’re all set for many hours of fun!

Splurge on the Main Shower

Get the rain showerhead.  Throw in a body spray or two.  Add another showerhead in case you don’t like showering alone.  Install a recessed light with a  built-in Bluetooth speaker so you can listen to your audiobook.  All of these splurges are well worth the minimal extra costs.

Central Vacuum System

Once again – another minimal cost with a high payoff would be a central vacuum system.  It is such a pain to have to go grab your vacuum cleaner and plug it in just to vacuum some crumbs off the floor after dinner (parents of toddlers- I know you feel this).  Consider installing a central vacuum system with built-in vacuums for all the main rooms of your home!

Hot Tub

Do we really need to sell you on this one?  Turn Netflix off, invite your friends over, and end your day in the hot tub on your back patio.  You’ll thank us later.

We hope these added flourishes bring you so much enjoyment during, and long after, your custom home build!

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