Should You DIY Your Dream Home?

In this crazed world of DIY lure, this may be a question on many of your minds. With the financial savings potential and unlimited customization, DIY is an understandably appealing option. However, you should carefully consider 3 questions before taking such an all-consuming and potentially costly leap:

  1. How much time do you have?

  2. How much construction knowledge do you have?

  3. Do you have the tools/technology to build a home?

If your car has an issue, do you take it to a mechanic or do you try to fix it yourself?  Some of you may actually diagnose and repair the car yourself because you have 1) the time to repair it, 2) knowledge of the mechanics of your car and 3) the tools to take on the challenge.  If you are this person, you should ABSOLUTELY fix the car yourself.  You will save money and have a sense of pride and accomplishment.  I commend you!

Others of you (like myself with cars) 1) don’t have the time, 2) don’t have the knowledge, 3) don’t have the tools and, I will add, 4) just honestly don’t care to learn.  I have more important things in my life (family, work, hobbies) on which I would rather spend my precious time. I just want the expert to handle the repair and if it isn’t right, I can hold the mechanic accountable to make it right.  No risk for me.  

It is the EXACT same thing with building a home.  If you 1) have 20 to 50 hours a week (depending on the stage of construction) to write contracts with subcontractors, purchase materials, and manage subcontractors, 2) have construction knowledge, the ability to read and precisely interpret plans, abide by construction and safety codes, and are prepared to be held responsible for the work performed on your jobsite 3) have a laptop with plan-reading/editing software, a truck and trailer to deliver materials to the jobsite, and 4) would enjoy building your own home, then maybe you should DIY your home.  However, this is a MUCH bigger deal than a car repair.  This is a huge financial, physical, mental and emotional investment.  Choosing to neglect calls from subcontractors will result in delays or (even worse) incorrect work being performed that will require costly remediation.  If you start out DIY-ing your home, and 1/3 of the way through decide that you cannot handle the job or just don’t have enough time – you will indubitably struggle to find a builder to swoop in and take over a project that someone else started. Sometimes reality TV isn’t actually reality and, unfortunately, watching HGTV a few times a week is not a qualification to build your dream home. 

Seek wisdom when making a decision this big.  Proverbs 18:15 says "The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out." And Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."  May the Lord guide you in this decision!


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