A Simple Way to Save $ on Your Custom Home

We will say it again and again- we are here to help you enjoy the process of building your custom home, and saving money/staying within your budget significantly impacts that enjoyment. So today’s money-saving tip is pretty simple – build a two (or even 3) story home.  Why?  As of March 2023, concrete is expensive and wood is cheap (at least cheaper than it used to be).  It’s that simple.  

Let’s say you want 2,400 ft² of living area.  Here are two options to consider:

  • Option 1 – 1 story

  • Option 2 – 2 story (1,200 ft² per floor)

In Option 1, you’re going to spend money on a 2,400 ft² concrete foundation – as well as covering 2,400 ft² of surface area with a roof.

In Option 2, you’re only going to spend money on a 1,200 ft² foundation – and only cover 1,200 ft² of surface area with a roof.

Because concrete is the expensive beast these days, cutting the foundation's square footage in half by stacking two floors on top of each other could save you around $25,000!

We’re not trying to pressure you into a certain look, just offering some food for thought.  You can keep the exact same size home while cutting the foundation (and roof) cost in half.  This allows for a beefier budget in other areas like appliances, flooring, etc.

In a few years, these numbers could completely flip; however, we want you to enjoy your custom home build today! And today, concrete is more expensive than wood.


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